Speaking #1 Lazybones ☆English Joy☆

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Let's use informal phrases in our speech like all native speakers do! Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe! __________________________________________________...

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  • Hello Tawfik! Nice to meet you!:)
  • Hello im Tawfik
  • I mean as a noun. Lazy is an adjective, as a noun is  lazybones, lazy person, and sluggard.

    Yeah, it depends on the context. Thanks, Anastasia..:)

  • Hi, my friend! Thanks for watching and your lovely comment;)

    Yes, you can say lazy or you can use the words slow, tired, flagging...they are common and can be used in written and spoken language so lots of things depend on the context.

  • Hi, Anastasia. I agree with Robbie. Yura couldn't help giggling while sleeping. :D

    They're very funny students, also smart I guess. :)

    So, LAZYBONES is not formal?? Which one is formal? LAZY PERSON or SLUGGARD? 

    Thanks for the lesson :)

  • hi Lyes! Thanks for your lovely comment! you are right, some of them have a huge potential:)

  • hello, nice video and funny as well lol 

    these young students will be one of the famous actors lol


  • Right you are, my friend!
  • Hi, dear Learners!

    Please don't be confused with the noun and adjective agreement on this lesson (in this case using an article and a plural adjective). For example, "You're such a lazy bones!" This is only used in an informal conversation and should never be used in academic studies. Please take note what Teacher Stacy has written on the description of this video.

  • Thank you, Robbie! Yes, you're right, he was laughing and giggling all the time while we were filming! It was a lot of fun for me too
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