Speak English Fluently

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Spoken English Instructor, Skype ID: english.tutor92

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  • Thanks dear Shoaib Yunus for this video,i just wish I can have many of them to practice spoken English as my dreams is to be fluent in spoken English. Thanks once again for your good efforts to help us improve in English

  • Hi all,

    Great video Shoaib!!

    I have been working with non-native speakers from all over the world for more than 12 years. Not everyone has the time to pay for lessons and tutors. Nowadays most people have access to youtube and online videos. I recommend picking a native speaker and mimic them. This is what children do with their parents. If you would like to find out more about this technique go to my webpage. Here's the link!! 

    All the best,


  • Hi there,

    Your effort in helping others in English speaking is really nice .

    I just watched your video and agree what you convey in this video . However,  I found another problem from English learners , that is pronunciation . Some have acceptable vocabulary and are not shy to speak English , but their pronunciation is so bad . I try my best but can understand them max 40 -50 % .This makes me tired a little bit .

    And i think once you pronounced some words wrong already , it will be very hard , very hard to correct afterwards . Right ?

    Now i am helping some . I send them article and let them read to me many times to correct their pronunciation . Still , i find it very difficult . Can you suggest me the way out ? Really awesome .

    Best regards ,

    Sunshine .

  • Thanks Yunus...I think environment is main factor to increase speaking skill.


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  • Excellent video and tips about the importance of speaking practice! Thank you for taking the time to record and share your video.

    Members from all over the world contact me regularly saying that they want more speaking practice. Many want native English speakers who will just speak with them for free. Unfortunately, people are busy, and it can be difficult to find someone who will do that for free (some will offer language exchange).

    I always tell learners that if they want a teacher, they typically need to pay a teacher. The other option is to buddy up and Find a Learning Partner to speak with on Skype, Google, or another video chat platform. 

    Thanks again for your video!

  • great job bro.

    couples of good points you discussed

    we just focus on grammer and grammer since the beginer instead of studying of phrases.

  • This is a great  issue. I hope learn about that in my whole process to learning and using English in my own life because through this ways I can also improve my relations and interplay with another person who is too learning. So, thanks for publishing this awesome video, and all of you add me on Skype juan.pablo.villa.rios

    Gifts from heaven.

  • Mashaa Allah, me nahi pata ap khoopsurat aisa. Allah taala janta. Good way to speak and learn English Yunnus.
  • Hi, Shoaib!

    Thank you for introducing yourself and for sharing your perspective about learning the English language. As a learner, I've tried different methods how to acquire English with precision. I found listening to English podcast as an effective platform for me to enhance my skills. I hope this would work to other learners. Similarly, I blog some of the expressions I learned in English so they would stay long in my memory. 



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