Sonna Rele - Strong (From "Cinderella")

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Have courage and be kind! :)Music video by Sonna Rele performing Strong. (C) 2015 Walt Disney Records

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  • I agree with you, Peppo! Maybe the composer made it that way so even kids would understand the song's meaning and purpose. I'm glad you liked this video. Thank you for taking the time commenting here. :)

  • Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever
    I like the video and the song. The lyrics is so simple yet matched well with that movie. Thanks for sharing this.
  • You're welcome, Nida! And welcome back... :)

  • Thank you for the warm comment. I'm glad you found this video beautiful. Lily James's acting is superb. She's proven that during her appearance in 'Downton Abbey' series, playing as Lady Rose. :)

  • Splendid!!

    Thank you for sharing this video with us, Robbie. :)

  • Magandang video, guapo Robbie. Who doesn't like love?
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