Snow diamonds

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Winter forest with shining snow on a sunny day! Sometimes snow is shining like diamonds!

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  • Hi Grace!

    :D That is great!

    Of course, just do it!

    I would like to see, how does snow look like in different places of our plane! :)

    Thank you!!!

  •! LOVE it!  Roman, a couple of weeks ago I also took a video similar like this, only we don't have "diamonds" on the ground. LOL  I hope I could share it with you later. 

  • Yes, that is a price of Winter's beauty! :)

    Thank you, Fizzy!

  • beautiful but cold ^^

  • Картинки по запросу like

  • Deal! :)

  • True. The spring is amazing in Ukraine. Especially in your area. Waiting for many photos dear Roman. :)

  • Hi Svitlana!

    Yes, it was cold there!

    Ok! But before Summer, there comes Spring! And maybe it is even more beautiful than Summer inside forest! :)

    Thank you!

  • Beautiful video. I can imagine how cold it was there. Waiting for the summer video dear Roman. The same forest. 

  • You are welcome, Warda!

    I am glad, you like it!

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