Slang School

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...Because slang, like it or not, is part of a language ergo part of a culture.Here some spanish expressions explained for an English audience, in a very cool and funny way.Note to Moderators and Admin: Don't panic 'cause of the content of the video; it's all very 'soft'......sigh....

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  • wow, Banderas) 

  • I have already learned that Una cerveza! :D

  • Estanis, Glee, my Spanish fellas! :D :P

    Estanis, yeah I came across this video a couple of days ago and I found it very funny and interesting to share here. I also liked to hear Antonio Banderas' pronunciation... because even if he has been living in the States for many years, his pronuncation is not very different from mine... that gave my self-esteem a boost :P

    Glee, plz... don't pee yourself here :/

    Roman, no. first you have to learn to say: "Una cerveza, por favor" and "la lluvia en Sevilla es una maravilla".

  • And I wonder how does Antonio Banderas remains young and recognizable for such a long time. I recognized him before reading the name of video.

  • Hi Mary!

    I just thought "Maybe it will be useful for me in future" :)

  • Wow... what  a coincidence! Can you believe I watched this video yesterday? ¡Eres la leche! 

    Surely Spanish learning students 'flipan en colores' with some expressions haha... 

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