Sign of a Victory

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"Sign Of A Victory"I can see the colors of the rainbowAnd I can feel the sun on my faceI see the light at the end of the tunnelAnd I can feel heaven in it's placeAnd that's the sign of a victory [x2]I can feel the spirit of the nationsAnd I can feel my wings ridin' the winds, yeahI see the finish line just up ahead nowAnd I can feel it risin' deep withinAnd that's the sign of a victory [x2]Now I can see the distance of the journeyHigh and front with all your mightYou open your eyes to global warmingBeen through it all, you sacrificed your lifeAnd that's the sign of a victory [x2]If we believe, we can achieve anythingIncluding the impossible, this I knowSo let's lift up our heads, yeahAnd raise the flag, yeah yeahAnd scream like you want to winNow let the games begin!That's the sign of a victory [x4]When you keep on fightin'After you lost your strengthThat's the sign of a victoryWhen darkness is all around youYou still find your wayThat's the sign of a victoryCome on and singLift up your voice and singStand up, oh yeah, stand upThe sign of a victoryOoooohh ohh ohhhhThat's the sign of a victory

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  • thanks
  • Most welcome, Sir.

  • I had a nice feeling after listening to this song. Thank you, Burn Bakaq!

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