She was hungry

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  • Salam mod. Onee Chan! Saya masih bekerja tentang nya. I hope to finish that small project soon to come back to your nice and useful comments and articles. Extend my regards to your family and a special one to our boss. I want to whisper this in your ear. Tell him that I admire him a lot. 

  • Bhut shukriya, Mishaikh sahib! I am still working on that small project. There are some technical matters preventing the advance of the project. I hope to be overcome soon. My greetings to your family and friends. Thanks for your valuable comment on snakes.

  • ;(((( I haven't finished watching. :|

  • Snake's meat must have some side effects, besinde satiating appetite.

    Anyway it is a matter of surviving.  In another video I watched people drinking snake's blood.

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