Sarah McLachlan - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

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Happy Christmas!Best of Sarah McLachlan: Subscribe here: Music video by Sarah McLachlan performing Happy Xmas (War Is Over). (C) ...

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  • You explained it well, Rose! I love listening to Christmas songs because they uplift my mood and remind me to keep my feet on the ground. If most people would treat others with kindness and understanding we don't have to endure with so much pain. Thank you for your lovely comment! 

  • I love this song, I listened to it during the Christmas time.

    When we can sing or say "The war is over" around the world, then is that an endless dream and hope.

    But what is the life without dreams and hopes? Nothing. Every one of us can help to make this world a little more loveable and liveable if we throw away all prejudices, and when we see, all the people want the same as we also want. A life of peace and freedom.

  • Quite right, Roman! Our world has been through a lot of wars and destruction in the past years. Let's hope for more happiness, equality and freedom this coming 2018! 

  • Hi Robbie! "War Is Over" is right what we need in 2018 year! Thank you for sharing this beautiful song!
    Happy Xmas!
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