Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye "When Love Arrives"

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Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye of Project V.O.I.C.E. perform "When Love Arrives," a poem about the expectations and realities of love. The poem was co-written by Sara...The art of spoken word poetry is a way of speaking where people can actually see,feel,touch,smell and taste what you say. Try and make your own spoken word poetry and speak with presence, expression and confidence!

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  • Entertainment for ears.
  • Hi Mohamoud thank you for liking this video, I liked the poetry too! :)

  • Wonderfull speech! Thnk for sharing

  • I'm glad you liked it Robbie, I enjoyed this a lot too!  I'm inspired by this art of speaking! :)

  • Sweet! Thanks for sharing, Alice! :)

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