Rozen Maiden - opening theme

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  • Dear Nida! You are very observant person! :-) Nothing is hidden from you! :-)

    Yes, you are right! This is the same name! :-) At a time when I registered at the English club (create an account and all that), my son watched the anime "Rozen Maiden." He was very impressed by this anime! 

    I always heard that name, and this melody! :-) So when I was looking for a nickname, I chose "Rozen Maide." I wrote this name specifically together, so it was taken as a whole. :-)

    In this anime were the dolls - "Rozen Maidens" whose manipulated their masters! Then I thought: it - the talent to manipulate others - was the real female talent! :-)))

    In Russian proverb: a man - the head, a wife - the neck, I turn to where I want! :-)

    Here's! Now you know me very much! :-) Thank you for your attention to my nickname! :-)

  • I LIKE the video.

    And I'm now more curious than ever to know the meaning of "Rosenmaiden". And are Rozen Maiden and Rosenmaiden same name or different names?

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