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  • Isli aap deko Mishaikh sahib, That is the reason when your power calls you to oppress people, remember that there is always another one who is more powerful than you. Thanks for your wise comment. 

  • There is stronger to every stronger.

    Rattlesnake horrifies us, but this bird killed and ate it....Wow!

  • Moderator Paula, I did not know that you like pie like that. I like Kuskus (it is a dish of semolina with meat, cucumber, carrots and some other items), but during this time, we are eating a lot of meat. Because it is the occasion of Eidul Adha. Thanks, mod. Paula for your comment. 

  • Guess that goes to show what we or anything else can do when we or it is hungry......LOL  I am like that when I see pie...…..do not get in my way!!!!!  Thanks for sharing Dara

  • Hai, karera ga yarimas, Tam. They have but that bird was hungry. Thanks for your comment. 

  • Don't rattlesnakes have poison? I think poisonous snakes can defeat the bird.

  • La mushkila ya saiyidati! No problem at all, Rosemary. It is ok. When you get to your computer or laptop you can watch them. Thanks for your concern.

  •   Sorry  , I wish if I can see your videoes  or other members  videos here  but I am unable to watch them because of my mobile  . I can see them only if they are on the youtube and that is why I don't comment  here   . This is my screen  shot 


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