Ralph DK Introduction

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Hi I'm Ralph and I have extensive experience teaching English in seven countries around the world.   These include Canada, Czech Republic, China, India, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Bolivia. After over 20 years of teaching English as a Second Language in the classroom, I've decided to teach on line. This is my introductory video. If you, too, are a teacher, you may also be interested in seeing my videos on using Kahoot an engaging quiz making application.  By using the Kahoot "Challenge" feature, you can give your online students interesting vocabulary or grammar exercises that they can do in their study time on their cell phones.  The Kahoot app is free and downloadable from both the Google play app store.  If you are learning English, you can use Kahoot without a teacher.  Download the app onto you cell phone and choose from the challenges at the bottom of the screen.

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  • Gracias professor Ralph! I look forward to interacting with you and your technology. Thanks for sharing.

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