Raise and Rise: A Two Minute English Lesson Posted by Vicki Hollett on May 10, 2019 Views: 535 Get Embed Code <iframe width="480" height="270" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ICkZ6thgLSE?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque" frameborder="0"></iframe> Tags: "#ec learning english" We had a lot of fun making this video. Hope you find it useful. You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments! Join MyEnglishClub Comments Vicki Hollett September 12, 2013 3:38 So glad you find this helpful! Thank you for commenting. Lucy August 17, 2013 1:05 I love it. You make the words are very easy to understand and learn. Thanks for making life easier for us. :) April August 13, 2013 8:32 I like the simple way you explain two easily confused words. Thank you for making and sharing this funny video. Robbie August 11, 2013 17:41 This video is very entertaining and educational at the same time! Thank you for always sharing useful videos, Teacher Vicki! :) This reply was deleted. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Votes: 0 E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow
So glad you find this helpful! Thank you for commenting.
I love it. You make the words are very easy to understand and learn.
Thanks for making life easier for us. :)
I like the simple way you explain two easily confused words. Thank you for making and sharing this funny video.
This video is very entertaining and educational at the same time! Thank you for always sharing useful videos, Teacher Vicki! :)