Rafeef Ziadah - 'We teach life, sir', London, 12.11.11

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Palestine Solidarity Campaign VIEW IN HD RAFEEF ZIADAH is a Canadian-Palestinian spoken word artist and activist. Her debut CD Hadeel is dedicated to Palesti...

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  • Hi Pandora,

     Yes you are right  , she is  a  great and fantastic lady with  an amazing message .It is a must that the world has to know for all the world to know  a little bit of Palestinian people and how they are educated people unlike what is being said that they are terrorist.

    She has more vedios you can watch  them  on  youtube If you like .

    Thank you for stopping by .

  • i dont know what should i say now... she impressed me so much. I felt as if my heart was beating out of my chest while listening her. im still under the influence of her speech.

    thank you for sharing. one day everything will be change and PALESTINE will be FREE..

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