Present Perfect

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This video gives a thorough explanation about "when and how" the Present Perfect Tense is used. It has also an exercise to work on this form of verbs. Why not try it out on you? I find it interesting!

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  • Hi Gabriel,

      It was refreshing to learn again the present perfect tense which sometimes I stumbled on. Thank you for sharing this video. The dose was sweet, maybe because I like to learn English. Lol!

      Have a great weekend!


  • Dear Galina! 

    I couldn’t agree more! We, non-native speakers, find a lot of vagaries in English that don’t exist in our first language! Thus, our thoughts and writings are inevitably influenced by our respective mother tongues, especially when one seldom gets the opportunity to speak or write in English. 

    However, I strongly believe, a determined effort could change the whole scenario and eventually help one to overcome this issue. Well! Thank you for watching the video! Feel free to drop by my page for more resources. See you!

    ~ GS ~


  • Gabriel, thank you very much for the video! It's very helpful personally for me and even more for my students...they're often confused in using Present Perfect or Past Simple. We don't have such tense in Russian, that's why it's rather difficult for understanding. Thanks for sharing...

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