Prepare for Take-off
Views: 164
In this video you hear the Captain say "Cabin Crew: Prepare for take-off" followed by the actual take-off. This is a Finnair Airbus A350-900 taking off from Helsinki (HEL), Finland.
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Oh my....I suffer from aerophobia.
Privyet O. M. My wife experiences the same. Thank you O.M.
Spectacular take_off, Mr. Essberger. (Cabin attendants, get ready for take_off) Those were exciting moments for me although most people are afraid of them. They are considered the most critical state of the aircraft. Once more, thanks for your spectacular video. No wonder, you are the boss.
> They are considered the most critical state of the aircraft.
As I understand it, yes Dara, it's true that take-off is the most dangerous time during a flight. Are you a pilot? I could imaging you being an airline pilot with lots of spare time in the cockpit - nothing to do except play MyEC haha :)))
Nah Mr. Essberger. It is my ignorance about the whole matter. During take_off, my wife and my sons cling to my arms as if a crash is about to happen. I feel happy and excited. It is really weird, isn't it? Thanks, Mr. Josef.
haha They are lucky to have a Rock like you to cling to. Perhaps your other name is Peter?
But they are right to be worried! Statistically, take-off is most dangerous. That's because the airplane is using close to maximum power to get off the ground. If something goes wrong, there is no extra power to control the situation, and only a few hundred feet elevation to take action.
In the cruising segment of the flight, the plane is not using maximum power at all, and has thirty-thousand feet to do something. And during landing, it's also not using maximum power so can easily lift off again and come round for a second go :)))
I can still see you as an airline pilot.
Wow! Wow! Mr. Essberger, I am going to swear that you had been a captain of one of those huge planes. No, no I have never been in a cockpit in my whole life. I just see it in movies.
I do not mean that I am brave or do not fear death, but it is a mixed feeling of ascending to be carried out by an unknown power. I could not describe that feeling exactly, but it is between surrender and challenge.
Surrender to the power of those jet engines roaring and roaring to get that aluminum figure airborne. By challenging, I meant leaving the ground and flying like a bird. I am sorry Mr. Essberger, you always bring interesting and exciting topics or videos to let us write and write.
Wow. Good description Dara! Between *surrender and challenge*... If you are not an airline pilot maybe you are a poet?^^ :)))
God bless you, Josef, you are always distinguished and unique in all your ideas and the fatty topics you bring to us.
This take-off video reminds me of a novel I read fifteen years ago. Its entitled (Airport). I like that video of Mr. Josef.