Phrasal Verb Lesson - Whisk Away

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A short explanation of the phrasal verb 'Whisk Away'.

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  • Hello Onee-chan, nice to hear from you again. I think we could use whisk away in your examples, although Perhaps if somebody had a serious accident, you wouldn't use it for them. There is something about whisk away which is light and positive. It really should be used with a carefree attitude. Your sentences might sound more natural in the passive tense. Thanks for commenting!

  • Teacher Alan,

    So nice to watch your video again. 

    What if the person unconscious, probably after accident? Can we use 'whisk away'? :)

    Somebody whisked me away from the meeting to the class due to a sudden test.

    Some people whisked me away to a hospital after the accident on that road.

    Any mistakes in my sentences? This is a new phrasal verb to me. Thank you for the lesson. ^^

  • Hello guys! Nice to talk again after such a long absence. Robbie, thanks for approving the video and for welcoming me back. Apologies for the long absence. I'm absolutely fine and I hope you are too. And Dara, great that you are still blogging so consistently. I wish I had your staying power. I will indeed visit your page and read The Wedding. Long live the EnglishClub!

  • Dear Alan, long time no talk. Nice and educational video. Could you visit my page and see The Wedding? Thanks!

  • Welcome back, Sir Alan! I hope you're doing great! :)

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