Phrasal Verb Lesson - Take In

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Here's a phrasal verb for people who move too fast.

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  • Oh, I got it, dear teacher.. hehe, I have two objects in my sentence. Many thanks.

  • Hello Onee-chan. Thanks for watching and commenting. I hope you are doing fine. Well, I love your sentence, but if you really want me to correct it........Perhaps it should be,"I can't take in what's around me when I'm sad"

    Nice to hear from you again.

    bye for now,


  • ~Just a moment, I can't take it all in what's around me when I'm sad~ 

    Hello, Mr.Alan. How are you? I wish you have a wonderful moment, always.

    Today, I just watched your nice video. I really like it. If any mistake in my sentence, please do tell me. Thank you for sharing, Sir. :)

  • Hey Robbie, I hope you're not down in the dumps for long. Thanks for watching!

  • I'd like to take wonderful thoughts in whenever I'm down in the dumps. Thank you for sharing your video, Teacher Alan! :)

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