Phrasal Verb Lesson - Shell Out

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  • Hello Mr.Alan,,

    It doesn't matter at all, Sir. And thank you very much for sharing your opinion here, I'm very honored getting your comment here. I really appreciate it. Well, it's nice to see your great thought. See you again, Mr Alan. :)

  • Hi Onee-chan,

    As always thanks for watching and for commenting. And also let me apologize for not commenting on your previous question regarding weddings. I did read it and was ready to comment but then I had a family outing and it slipped my mind. Also, it was a difficult question. Weddings are important events wherever you are but probably not quite the same in any two countries. I suppose instinctively I think that weddings should be modest affairs and not grand events. Parties are good fun and parties with our family especially important but it's always the people themselves who make them special and not the other aspects of the parties. A glass of water shared with our loved ones is more precious and enjoyable than a plate of caviar eaten alone in the kitchen. At least, that's what I Imagine, although I haven't actually tried caviar! So yes, weddings should be humble affairs and we shouldn't have to shell out for expensive gifts or clothes. Thanks again for watching. Speak to you again soon. Alan

  • Oh, Mr. Alan. I think I have to shell out for renting a new house next three month. 

    Thank you so much for sharing this video, this is a new phrasal verb for me. :))

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