Phrasal Verb Lesson - Put Up With

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A short explanation of the phrasal verb "put up with". Music: "Taking a Beating" by Ethan Meixsell and "C Major Prelude" by Bach. Royalty-free music download...

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  • Good question Robbie. I just checked on wikipedia, which is good because I had the wrong name for those birds. I thought they were hooplas, but I think now they are actually called Hoopoes. If there are any expert ornithologists on English Club then they can perhaps watch the video and confirm this for me. Anyway, as always, thanks for watching!

  • Are those baby swallows? Thanks for sharing your lesson, Teacher Alan! :)

  • That's it Onee-chan. You should always trust your instincts. Although now that you tell me that your dictionary said differently, I'm starting to wonder if I'm wrong. Too much thinking is also a bad thing!

  • I'm doing fine, Mr.Alan. What about you? wish you're fine too, thank you.
    I agree with you about a little silly thing.
    At first, I wanted to use "towards me", but my dictionary said "to me". I should smarter than my dictionary. :))
    Thanks, teacher Alan. I got it.
  • Hello Onee-chan, how are you doing?

    Your sentence here sounds fine, although perhaps I would say "towards me" instead of "to me". I'm not sure why.

    And thanks very much for your comment regarding my teaching style on the videos. I do appreciate your feedback. And I understand also your comment about the bird. It was a little bizarre perhaps. Sometimes as teachers we can be a little silly to make sure our students are paying attention.

  • I can't put up with his bad attitude to me any longer.

    any correction?

  • Mr. Alan,,

    I like the bird and music, but I thought there would be something written there in your video or you would be there again. Until the end after bird, I've got nothing. :D. It's just my thought as a spectator. :)

    Anyway, I like the way you express the lesson to us. I see the real teacher here... Keep making the video, Mr.Alan. Wish to watch more videos by you...

    >from your new student :)

  • Hello Onee-chan, thanks for watching and commenting. I'm sorry you didn't like the bird. That's a pity, I thought it was the best bit!

  • Thanks for sharing, Alan R Nicol. I got the new lesson. But a half of video, I have to see bird.. I guess it's too long.. :))

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