Phrasal Verb Lesson - Own Up

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A short explanation of the phrasal verb 'own up'.

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  • Thanks guys for the lovely comments. Yes, it was cold Robbie. In fact, it still is. And please don't own up to me about the awful things you've done to other people. I'm shocked.

    Roman, thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you understand my Scottish accent.

    Great to hear from you again Onee-chan. I'm glad you find the videos useful. Your comments always warm my heart.

  • Teacher Alan,

    I must own up that I always wait your videos about phrasal verbs. They are always useful. So many thanks for sharing. :)

  • Hi Mr Alan! Thank you for sharing this video!
    Your voice so clear that I can recognize each your word!
    Thank you for sharing!
  • Ha! It's pretty cold out there eh!

    There are some things that we cannot own up in front of the camera. But I think owning up the awful things we did for others while praying is a good way to have a better sleep. Thank you for sharing your video, Alan! 

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