Phrasal Verb Lesson - Give Up

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A short explanation of the phrasal verb "give up". Check out my channel at for more videos.

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  • Thank you Onee, I'm fine. I haven't had a crisp for almost 2 years now! Although I think perhaps I'm drinking too much coffee.

  • Mr. Alan, I thought "give up" only means surrender. :D Thanks for the lesson. I found new word there, willpower.

    As for me, I should give up eating spicy food. But, I found it's hard for me to do. 

    Wish the best for your health. :)

  • Yes Robbie, it's tough, because I am a crispaholic, but what can you do!? Pistachios are just as nice anyway, and much healthier!

  • Too bad you're forbidden to eat those poor chips! Thank you for sharing something about you, Teacher Alan. Stay healthy! :)

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