Phrasal Verb Lesson - Crash Out

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A short explanation of the phrasal verb "crash out".

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  • in village side,poor people crash out in the night for their sleep on the mud ground

  • we crash out on the green floor,,,,,,,,,

  • when i go to temple away from my home, i could not return to home so i will stay at temple ,that is new place, i could not deep sleep there ,that is new place to me, entirely different place , ok

          when i go to temple,if i stay there,,,,,,,,,,,,  i am in temple ,i crash out in temple

  • some time i also crash out in the bottom of the tree, when i went to garden ,,,,it gives so happy

  • Hello Minh Tran. Thanks for watching and commenting. I appreciate the feedback.
  • Hello Billale. Thanks for watching and commenting. Last night I had nightmares actually, but I'm awake now, thank goodness.

  • I've crashed out before. but I often go to my bed

    have nice crash out dreams

  • Yeh guys, be careful out there! Safety first!

  • Haha, Aseven...I was about to comment about the candle, but forgot.

    Yes, Sir... That candle made your video perfect, but as you said...It's dangerous to crash out with the candle light. :D
  • Yessir!


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