Phonemic Chart

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Practise your pronunciation of the Sounds of English with this animated Phonemic Chart. It contains all the Sounds that make up Spoken Words.

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  • Thanks a lot for sharing , friend. God bless you.

  • Hi Nida! 

    Welcome to my mini “Video Gallery”! Thank you for watching the “Phonemic Chart”. I hope you’ve understood the importance of learning speech sounds (44 phonemes) that make up the spoken words in English. I'm glad about that! 

    By the way, I’d like to invite you to watch my other videos: Regular Verb, Irregular Verbs and Present Perfect. Though these are grammar aspects of the language, you’ll also pick a lot of pronunciation tips from those videos.  See you around, Nida! 

    Best Regards,

    ~ Gs ~

  • Hello Ashkar!

    Thank you for watching the video. I’m quite glad that it did come in useful. Ok, am I correct in saying that you are studying phonetics?  Oops, just idle curiosity!

    Ashkar, when one has started acknowledging the need to have a sound understanding of phonetic study, the crucial part that shapes his pronunciation capability, the rest won’t be a big ask! Good luck!

    ~ GS ~

  • Hello Mitran! 

    Thank you for watching the video. Please don’t feel disappointed about your ability to pronounce words. You can always see your way to unlimited resources for help if you search the Net. To get started, for instance, you could check the links I’ve listed on my wall. Pay a visit to my page when you have the time.


    ~ GS ~        


  • Thanks Gabriel Sowrian. Ohhhh....My pronunciation is poor...

  • Hi Ohnie!

    How are you? I'm glad to hear that you liked the video. See you around!

  • Awesome!  Thanks, Gabriel.

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