outdoor bath

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  • Asante sana Molemane! Thanks for pressing the like button. 

  • Gracias de nevo, senorita Purple Raven! Thanks again Sandra for your comment.   

  • Imposible siniora Purple Raven! The good joke that leads to no harm and innocent laughter is ok. Look at this situation here. The man is taking his bath outside. That means he might catch a cold. or have influenza, in spite of that, the woman replaced the bucket with another one to make that foul play. I personally, do not approve of such misdemeanor. Even in this candid camera or whatever the name is, I find some jokes are very bad and harmful. I agree with you Sandra, some jokes are quite amusing and with a lot of fun. Thanks, Sandra for your comment.

  • Neh neh, in toar nist. No, Mr. Darius, the matter is about a foul play or a dirty trick as moderator Paula described it. That second replaced bucket might have contained ash or cement mixed with water. either this way or that, it is not the kind of joke we like. Thanks, Darius for your comment. 

  • Gracias por riier, Sandra! Thanks for your smile. 

  • dirty words lead to the mud shower

  • I can't see anything !!!!

    By reading  the comments I can guess it  should be  the video  that  a guy drops shampoo on head of people who are using an outdoor bath . am I right ??

    p.s :  How can I see that ??

  • Why? That was my question, why do we do foul or dirty tricks to others? Unharmful tricks that cause innocent smile or laughter is ok, but harming and demeaning others why? Thanks, moderator Paula for your comment. 

  • LOL...That was literally a "dirty" trick Dara!!!  Poor guy!!  But all in good fun.....thanks for sharing!!!!

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