Ori teaching the ABCDEFG , Jesus died for you and me.

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Ok , this is me trying to sing a song for children regarding to teaching the alphabet. Sorry, I know It is not my best look . I come from work and I tired, b...

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  • Also, I can't forget this version ever...:)

  • Wonderful!

  • Thank you, dear Tara Benwell =)

  • Beautiful! 


    My pleasure, Oriani!

    I'm very glad that the lyrics could be useful to you either as a handout or worksheet. Have a wonderful day! GOD BLESS!!

  • Dear Gabriel Sowrian , 

    Thank you so much for your help. Your lyrics would be a perfect handout or worksheet for my students. Thank you so much. You're so sweet =) 

  • Hi, Oriani

    Your voice has indisputably the quality of a singer. I’m pretty sure that many teachers will introduce this variant of the Alphabet Song to their kids. I prepared the below lyrics of the song to supplement your video. Hope you don’t mind!        



  • You're welcome, Ori! I agree with you, singing the English alphabet combining with different words would be enjoyable to children! : )

  • Hi, my dear. Thank you for your nice comment. I use this song to teach children the ABC =) Also, if you guys don't want to include Jesus, just change the lyrics and rhyme but the melody is amazing. I love it =)
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