Ordinal Numbers Racing Blues

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Learn all about Ordinal Numbers on EnglishClub: https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/numbers-ordinal.htm LYRICS Well I placed a bet on a horse and I hoped it would win I was glued to the television watching the racing But it wasn't 1st (first) or 2nd (second) 3rd (third) or 4th (fourth) 5th (fifth), 6th (sixth) 7th (seventh) of course 8th (eighth) 9th (ninth) 10th (tenth) 11th (eleventh) 12th (twelfth) 13th (thirteenth) 14th (fourteenth) 15th (fifteenth) or 16th (sixteenth) 17th (seventeenth) 18th (eighteenth) 19th (nineteenth) 20th (twentieth) 21st (twenty-first) 22nd (twenty-second) 23rd (twenty-third) 24th (twenty-fourth) 25th (twenty-fifth) 26th (twenty-sixth) 27th (twenty-seventh) 28th (twenty-eighth) 29th (twenty-ninth) 30th (thirtieth) Not even 33rd (thirty-third)! Nowhere to be seen 32nd (thirty-second) 33rd (thirty-third) 34th (thirty-fourth) 35th (thirty-fifth) 36th (thirty-sixth) 37th (thirty-seventh) 38th (thirty-eighth) 39th (thirty-ninth) 40th (fortieth) Uh huh... I'll carry on counting 41st (forty-first) 42nd (forty-second) 43rd (forty-third) 44th (forty-fourth) 45th (forty-fifth) 46th (forty-sixth) 47th (forty-seventh) 48th (forty-eighth) 49th (forty-ninth) 50th (fiftieth) Nowhere to be seen 60th (sixtieth) 70th (seventieth) 80th (eightieth) 90th (ninetieth) 100th (hundredth) 101st (hundred and first) No, I came in last 152nd (hundred and fifty-second) What a donkey!

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