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My presentation 2013 MMVC13 online Conference

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  • What do you think about online education?

    A traditional physical classroom settings for my lessons are not effective enough.
    In my view, technology gives us many new possibilities. I am for blended learning, which means, taking advantage of both, traditional f2f techniques and possibilities given by new technologies.
    Some say that: participants in online classes seem to be more involved and engaged in class activities than students in regular classes. However, my question is if the students are willing to follow.
    The majority wants to learn passively and do not enjoy spending their time on practicing technical skills.

    Although, in my opinion, we are able to activate our learners equally in both situations.
    In any case, how to help them learn actively and meaningfully, it is a separate issue.
    I have never taught in school as I am a university lecturer, so my experience could be a little different because my students are adult learners.
    They have already found their own learning styles, and it is not particularly easy to change their habits. Moreover, getting proper communication in different educational settings requires altered teaching approaches.
    Fortunately, this enables us to change them from passive learners to active students if we are lucky.

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