One of my Winter strolls- February 2021

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  • So lovely to see the snow! I'm glad you're having a good time while strolling in there. Stay safe all the time, Rose!

  • Yes, dear Rosemary, it's cold but beautiful.


  • This is so cold  but beautiful  :) 

  • Loved it. Truly loved. Thanks again, Rose ))).

    • Thanks, dear O.M. 

      Now, weather has completely changed. 

      From one day to another, we had a temperature difference of 30 degrees.

      It feels like spring, but the weather forecast says we get minus degrees and snow again next week. 

      We'll see what comes.

      Have a nice day ahead of you. 

    • Hi, Bossona. 

      I try the best I can. 

      Thanks for your nice comment. 

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