My Thermo Cup Experiment.

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What is it that we say, curiosity kills the cat :), so to prevent that, here is the video with the answer with in. There is a lot of background noise, and I am a little bad making videos, though it serves what was my main purpose.I translate the part of the conversation that is not in English.Me asking:Hi, it is alright with you, if I record our conversation? I am not recording you..., ( and accidentally I did a little bit :( )Staff replying:Okay...,Me:Erhm, it is associated with environment promoting initiatives. I would like to have a chai latte, and I would like to hear whether I can have it in my termo cup instead...?Staff:Yes, sure you can :))Me:Many thanks, I would like to have a small chai latte. And then I asked if other costumers asked for the same, whether they would be for the idea of serving in their termo cups?Staff:Of course, that’s not a problem, if they brought along their termo cups, that would be super nice, if it can protect the environments. We are very open to such initiative :)—————So, I got my chai latte in my termo cup. I must admit, I never thought of this as a possibility. When I take along with me my termo cup, oftentimes it is because, I did not have time to have coffee/tea at home.I am very impressed by this idea.Thank you for taking time watching.

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  •    I have enjoyed watching your video  and I have the same concern about keeping the environment clean and safe for all the living creatures   . I think a lot about pollution and earth  .  :) 

  • Hello Onee,

    That is so cute and sweet, you bringing along you lunchbox - You always do such cute things :)

    Thank you so much for the appreciation, it means a lot and I really appreciate it ღ


    Have a fantastic day to all :) 

  • Hello Grace,

    My Pleasure, actually those two cats, I was thinking exactly, I got to practice my English ;) and besides it was fun for me to do this, there you are so much welcome and thank you to you as well, many times :)

    Hello Roman,

    You are welcome. I am glad that you found a program that words well and nicely :)

  • Occasionally, I buy my meal for lunch with my lunch box. :)

    Great video! ^_^

  • Thank you, Evangelina!

    Actually I have already downloaded that free WMM yesterday :)

    But thank you!

  • Thanks for the effort, Eva. Thumbs up for you! :)

  • Hello Grace,

    ッ Yes, I did, I said I would.

    Thank you so much for taking time watching and commenting, I almost imposed it upon you :)) I was looking forward to read your reply on this.

    What I read and saw at your photo challenge, is really a true eye opener, I never thought of this, and even less as a possibility.

    Actually I was surprised and happy for the positive response, and without knowing for sure, I do believe there are people here, those enthusiastic environmentalists that already do this.

    I know further on I am going to use this option, and I am also going to tell about it, to the people around me.

    Hmmm, I wonder which two cats are those - LoL. Though I hope it just served for the good.

    Thank you so much for all the nice words, Grace, and even more for your amazing photo challenge, which I believe made many members reflect upon things, aaand some learned something new. Keep up your good works here.

    Have a magnificently beautiful Sunday ღ

  • Hello Roman,

    I think somehow we do get inspired by our surroundings, sometimes maybe subconsciously.

    About video designing program, I asked. I do not know whether you know these two;

    Windows Movie Maker - This one is free.

    Sony Vegas pro 15 - This one is not free, is used to edit my video.
    Please see this link;

    I haven’t looked it through myself, but I really hope it can be a help.

    I hope this can be helpful. You are welcome, Roman and again thank you so much for your nice comment ッ

  • Bravo, Eva! You really did it! I am so happy with the outcome of experiment which could go such positive, and glad to know people in your country who have also used the same way to buy coffee. Eva, your recording has answered to at least two cats. lol  Big thanks!

    Like Robbie and Roman said, your voice is nice and elegant which is just like a melody! :)

  • :) Awww. I am glad to know that!!! :D

    Well. I couldn't even imagine that my videos will inspire someone :D 

    It is ok :) Btw I also want to find a good free video designing program. But I don't know how to do that...

    Ah... well, you are right. But after watching some TV ahows about the supermarket's cheating I don't trust them :)

    Thank you!!!

    Have a stunningly beautiful and pleasant weekend!

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