My Shoes [MAPS Film School]

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A fable of life's appearances by Nima Raoofi. a MAPS Film School Production of Adelaide Australia 2012.

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  • I saw this video already a while ago. There is something to be learned from this brief lesson in life.
    We should be careful with our wishes because not everything is exactly what we perceive at first sight, but we judge immediately.
    If we look at something from two opposing perspectives, what is supposedly worse could actually be better. We are quick to complain without considering that there are things that are worse.

    • I loved the video when I watched it time ago,...:' We are quick to complain without considering that there are things that are worse".  Absolutely true, Rose (((

  • It is good message telling us ;be happy and satisfied with what you have. Be more content and less bitter because you have many graces .Thank you so much for your nice comment.

  • So touching. We should be satisfied  and appreciate what we have in our life. Sometimes we see that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But as a matter of fact, we would feel sorry and regret as we lost something precious...

  • We should stay patient and content , and always keep in our minds an optimistic view of life .Thank you Anele for your nice comment .

  • Karim@Thank you dear .It is generous of you to read and add
    your nice comment here.

  • Great job ! tawfeeq. Poor shoes! what are those' fault ? poor(little) age! what is it's fault ? only the difference is the KNOWLEDGE. again, Great job.

    • Thank you for nice comment dear Mass.

  •  nguyenthihuong@Thank you  dear for your nice comment.

  • Sakshi@Thank you  dear for your nice comment. 

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