My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic

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Just amazing and worth sharing...How about you, myEC's friends? How is your own philosophy for a happy life?

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  • Thank you so much for your so nice and uplifting words, Robin! I totally agree with you... nice to meet you, too!!!

  • Wow! What an example to us all. Some people complain too much in every bit of discomfort they have been experiencing especially in their looks and being too vain. I hope when they watch this video clip from Sam Berns they would realize how fortunate they are.

    By the way, I like his third philosophy about moving forward. Life is too short and death is certain so we should enjoy our life with optimism and courage and be surrounded with people who would accept our own flaws no matter what.

    May he reach all his goals and be a successful biochemist! Thank you for sharing this video, Nan! Welcome to MyEC!

  • Just amazing and worth sharing...

    How about you, myEC's friends? How is your own philosophy for a happy life?

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