My Eyes Adored You

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Sam and his little mannequin friend

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  • Thanks, human.

    Very kind of you!

  • Vindos, thank you for watching. Glad you appreciate it.
  • Very tender and sad song. Yes, it's a matter of fact... still we all keep a few fond memories of our childhood, in the most secret of our mind...
    Thank you for sharing... this song made me to remember many things...
  • Cogane, if I added my picture there, you would have said "pretty mother and cute son" instead of just "good mother"!
  • Hendro, I hope you're still alive and didn't die from laughing.
    If you did, oh well, at least you were happy in your last moments!
    Anyways, thank you so much for watching!
    Oh hey, have you heard from Mayumi?
    Haven't talked to her for a long time.
    Hope she's well!
  • good mother and cute son
  • Mich, when are we gonna do the sing-along on skype again? I miss the duet with you!
    "You don't have to touch it to know...Love is everywhere that you go.
    You don't have to touch it to feel...Love is every second we steal...."
    Now, your turn, Mich!
  • Aaahhh...childhood! I miss mine too, Riaz. All my childhood friends and puppy love. Awww! (^_^)
  • Zahra, did you really get married? I haven't talked to you for ages. Congratulations, girl!
    Let me know when the first angel arrives. (*.*)
  • How cute ...! At first, he seemed to be a little bit shy, or that was the very special effect of love at it very first moment?ha? But little by little, he seemed more comfortable with his GF,embracing her (or embarrassing her) so cutely and lovingly ...
    It reminded me of my little friend,once,so so so lovingly kissing me ...
    Kids are full of nice and pure emotions...
    God bless all kids ...
    Have a nice time,dear Ohnie....
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