Modal verbs: How to use may, might and could to talk about past possibilities

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Learn how to use the possibility modals may, might and could to talk about the past. This is the second of two videos on 3 useful modal verbs that we use to ...

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  • Not long ago, I searched the words for 'bang into something', but I think I chose another word. Now I know how to express what I mean I about it.

    Oh, NO!! Jay and Carter might have been scared all night hiding at the corner of the room. Those cute two girls couldn't have let that time pass without frightening Jay and Carter. :D :D

    Thank you so much for your video, Teacher Vicki. Please correct if I made mistake. :)

  • It might have been Carter who transferred the glass of water to the right hand side of Jay! Regarding to the questions, I think Jay and Carter were alright. They could have left the building before the lights totally went out. It could have been Ms Vicky who was tricking them all those times and they might have seen her hiding inside the building wearing a mask and a white gown!!!

    Thank you very much for the detailed lesson of the modals may, might and could! I enjoyed learning them... Have an exciting new week!

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