MMVC17 with Halina Ostankowicz - Bazan

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Halina Ostankowicz - Bazan discusses What about Non - Native Online English Teachers? Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of being a non-native On...

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  • The contentious issue of (non)nativeness remains unanswered.

    Nowadays, being an NNEST or NNEST should not count but rather teachers' professional capabilities.

    The presentation provides a forum for reflection and discussion about NNESTs.

    We  should value professional and personal qualities over ‘nativeness.

    The skills and qualities that make an effective language teacher are the most significant.

    Both ‘NESTs’ and ‘NNESTs’ are expected to be competent teachers, each with excellent professional skills.

    What can non-native English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) perform better?

    What can native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) manage better?



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