Michael Jackson - We are the World lyrics

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We are all apart of God's great big family ...we are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving...

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  • Not only do I love the melody of the song, its message is also so simple, positive and powerful! Thanks a million for the great share, dear teacher Hala! :)

  • <3

  • You are right Andrea ! Whenever we hear this song we soon remember its lyrics and the great meaning of it. You have a deep sense of humanity  ,that's why you feel this when you hear it . Thank you my dear friend for your comment . 

  • There comes a time when we ear a certain call......

    One of my favourite song ever.

    I bought this LP in 1985, and immediatly I learned the lyrics.

    So I could sing this song, and still today, when I ear it, I sing and remember my youth, and every time a shiver runs down my spine.

  • @ Mohamed :

    Thanks to you for listening and commenting !

    Best wishes !

  • Thank you dear Robbie ! I wish you peace and happiness !

  • A lovely song with a very deep meaning. Thank you for sharing, Teacher Hala! : )

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