Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus | Animated Book Summary

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This is the Animated book summary of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray. Video by RAGWise. This book on Amazon: Get...

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  • Hi, Bahman.

    Let me say a few words about what I think. I have read this work cos one of the friends was pretty insistent saying that I understand nothing in relationships. The book is saturated with repetitions of the same pretty…let s say silly thought: "women do not solve problems, they talk about them." The only thing women do is to speak. Moreover, aimlessly. Whereas men are represented as creatures much more adequate. Their only drawback is the inability to listen to and the tendency to lock themselves in when they "go into the cave" and do not want to be touched. And for this, they need to be understood and forgiven, because the rest of the time they solve problems.

    I totally do not agree with the author at this point.

    Though, the summary itself is really brilliant. You've done a good job. Congratulations. (I think it is your own video, right?)

    • Thank you so much for the comment, I know what you mean and I agree with most of it. I thought the book was interesting even if I did not agree with everything that the author said. I made this summary for people to watch, so if they did not like it they don't have to waste lots of time reading the book.

    • Well, I can't say it was not interesting to read. As you see I've read it. Fact that I do not agree with the author doesn't say that the book itself is not a good one. On the contrary..many people can find it pretty worthy and useful. Only the result of the relationships built from the point of view of this book doesn't give any guarantee that life will become much easier 

      Thanks, Bahman, for your reply.

  • I like the comment at 10:10 and I would have said the same. Pop psychology!
    But that doesn't mean it's total nonsense it just means it's generalizing and stereotyping. So, better someone reads at least one book about the different needs and wants of people in relationships than keep believing everyone is the same and wants the same... 

    • Thank you so much for sharing your opinion. I agree with trying to understand different points of view.

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