Meet this year’s youngest Spelling Bee competitor

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Akash Vukoti is the only 6-year-old among the 285 contestants in this year's National Spelling Bee. You can watch him live on ESPN3 in the Bee's preliminary ...

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  • Anne, even if he's not a native speaker, he was born and is being raised in an English speaking country, so it's not strange that his language skills are same as those of native speakers. Indians are way better than others in some subjects like maths. However, I've read that he and his sister have quite high IQ level.

    Btw, have a look at this: Why do Indian-Americans win spelling bee contests?

  • He is not an English native speaker but wooooo.... oh my!  Truly this kid is greatly blessed.

  • Yeah... this kid really amazes me to the point of disbelieving that such a person exists.

  • Some are born genious.  He is one of them!

  • His North American accent is splendid! Tip #3 is the best since he was able to demonstrate it with ease and humor. Thanks for sharing! :)

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