May it be - Enya

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"May It Be"May it be an evening star,Shines down upon you.May it be when darkness falls,Your heart will be true.You walk a lonely road;Oh, how far you are from home....Mornie utulie (darkness has come),Believe and you will find your way.Mornie alantie (darkness has fallen),A promise lives within you now....May it be the shadows call,Will fly away.May it be your journey on,To light the day.When the night is overcome,You may rise to find the sun.Mornie utulie (darkness has come),Believe and you will find your way.Mornie alantie (darkness has fallen),A promise lives within you now....A promise lives within you now....

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  • Hello Deuce, yes, this kind of music and lyrics can move our soul so much...
  • It made me cry...
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