Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for everyone

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Somehow, not only for Christmas,But all the long year through,The joy that you give to others,Is the joy that comes back to you.And the more you spend in blessing,The poor and lonely and sad,The more of your heart's possessing,Returns to you glad.(John Greenleaf Whittier)

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  • Thanks, Roman, I wish you the same again.

  • Hi Rose! Thank you for sharing this good video and a nice poem!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • Hello Rose!

    Wish you the same.....:-))

  • Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays of all time! Happy Christmas to all MyEC members especially the ones who believe in HIM! Have a fabulous 2018!

    Sending you this angel to watch over you during this special occasion...3078190354?profile=original

    Take care, Rose and to all diligent members of MyEC!



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