Marlene Dietrich. Where Have All the Flowers Gone.

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This song is considered to have been written by Pete Seeger.

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  • Hi, Inga,

    I've just noticed your comment. I'm glad you like the song!

  • Hello, dear Natasha!

    I don't know about creative work of Marlene Dietrich very well, but I know, that she is a very famous singer. Not only in German, but in The World! Unfortunately, there aren't such of talanted performers! 

    Natasha, thank you very much for your video!

  • I have liked this song since my childhood and also heard J. Baez singing of this song earlier. I adore this song but few people agree with me. :) You've managed to explain good features of this song in some words. Thanks for this. Your father is likely to have a good taste.
  • I didn't know Marlene Dietrich was a singer too. She sings as if she is talking, which fits very well with this anti-war kind of song.

    I like the song very much. I first came to know this song from my fathers record - Joan Baez sang it in German for some reason [YouTube].
    Thank you for up-loading the video. Somebody has to keep singing this song as long as ridiculous wars last somewhere in the world.
  • Here is the photo of Marlene Dietrich, a famous German actress


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