Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery

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For the past two years, photographer Lisa Kristine has traveled the world, documenting the unbearably harsh realities of modern-day slavery. She shares haunt...

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  • It is alarming to know that slavery exists everywhere. Everyone could be a victim of it. I agree with you, learning a language shouldn't hinder the desire to help or inspire others.

  • The purpose of studying an international language like English is to understand the world well; what is really happening in the world is so important for all of us as humans. I think we don’t have to learn about English for the name of it, but we have to do something for humankind with our knowledge. If we cannot look at the world vividly with our knowledge, our knowledge becomes sterile. Slavery is not an old issue as we all have thought, but it is visible everywhere from this end to that end. If you get tears while watching this video clip, you are really with humane qualities. If you have a heart that cries for other people, you are a great human!

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