Lilium Violin and Piano

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Great Song...Sad song...

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  • Hello, Inga,
    It seems to me this song reminds me of Gregorian Chant or something connected with it or , more exactly, something having existed earlier.
  • Hello, Yoh!
    Thank you for your professional comment! :-) You feel music very subtly!
    Yes, you are right! This music is original for "Elfen Lied".The song "Lilium" sounds in Latin as the theme of musical box. The main character hums this melody at the end of anime.
    I think, Lusi, the main character, is a contradictory person. She is an angel, having been turned into the devil by the people.

  • Hi Rosenmaiden,
    Is the music original for this anime? Wonderfully and strangely, it has some power to ease a pain to watch the gruesome scenes in the video. I don't know whether that is a good thing though :)
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