Life is Short

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Which is your favourite line from this video, and why?My favourite line is, "Life is about the people we meet, and the things we create with them." I agree with this because it reminds me of how people around the world have worked together to build MyEC! Thank you to all of the members who have helped create this wonderful club. Let's keep building.Thank you also to Ceci for introducing me to this film. Your students are blessed to have you in their classrooms. I look forward to creating a strong friendship with you!Which statement would you add to this film?I would add, "Listen to your inner whisper. It will get stronger as you learn to recognize it, and will guide you in the right direction.""The Holstee Manifesto is a call to action to live a life full of intention, creativity, passion, and community."

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  • Getting lost will help you find yourself. I've ever experienced it.

  • My favourite line is, "Stop over-analyzing, life is simple". Some people like to complicate things which leads to misunderstanding and confusion!

    I would like to add, "Do not dwell on the past, move on and live well"

    By the way, I like the concept of this video. It's inspiring! Thanks for sharing, Tara! : )

  • my favorite lines are

    "live is short" "Live your dreams"

    that's because life is really short, shorter for some and less short for others and usually we are not able to believe that our dreams could become reality, because sometimes we simply do not believe in ourselves

  • Great message, I liked it a lot. I loved the line about how close we are in our differences. Contradictory, but true, we are not so far away each other. However I do  believe life is not too short, I think that motto has spread the false and harmful belief you must live it up without responsibility. Aids contagion by sexual promiscuity based on life is too short proves it. Here in my country, for instance, teenage mothers, just because they want to live it all has brought too much pain and sorrow. Live is not so short, that is what my 97 year old grandma says.

  • My favorite statement is do thing that you love and do it often. For some people, it's luxury to keep doing our hobby. It's something great with we can work in the field that we love or even similar with our hobby.

  • @Surawan

    Thanks for your great comment. It's wonderful that you don't let those moments pass. I let one pass last weekend and am still kicking myself

  • @Grace I love that line too. As a mom with young kids, I often grab an apple or sandwich while doing a million other things. It's a habit I must change. We do sit down for a family dinner most evenings, and I must be more thankful for what we have to eat (even if my kids are whining that they don't want to eat their veggies). : )

  • Which is your favourite line from this video, and why ?

    My favourite lines from this video are ..1. Some opportunities only come once , seize them >> because I experienced those opportunities brought me happiness :) I never let them pass and for sure , I always take them :))

    2. Travel often , getting lost will help you find yourself >> because the more I see the world , the more I learn :))

    3. All emotions are beautiful >>because The beautiful emotions nourish my heart :))

    Which statement would you add to this film ?

    I would add, " There are always the beautiful moments in our life "

  • My favorite line is, " When you eat, appreciate every last bite. "  If we could think about how many things and processes should be done before the food in front of us, and there are still thousands of people suffering from famine because of the drought or something, we'd realize that having food to eat is a kind of blessing and happiness.

    I love this meaningful video much. Thanks for sharing, Tara.

  • Thanks Teacher, It is a great video.

    "Life is short" I know it. And I enjoy my life every moment. But I dare not to change something...hhhhh...maybe, because now I'm a Mom, My life belongs my Kids so although how much I love that thing but if My Kids don't like ....and I won't do it. I think you are the same me, Right?

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