Let´s start blogging !!!

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I decided to post this blog, to record myself, to help some people here on MY EC to start blogging and tried to sum up some useful tips I concider important

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  • thanks that help

  • Thank you.

  • this is my first time to see someone's real video here,  the video is inspiring!

  • From network problem can,t understand fully... But i like it and its very helpful tips. You are fluent English Speaker and very Brave.......

  • Dimi, thank you bro :-D m glad you liked it, you are more experienced !!!

    BOB, thank you and m happy that you found it useful :-)

    Bass, thank you but m still working on my accent :D hard work

    Arman, woooooooooow :-D awesome you liked it so much, dear friend!

    Tara, thank you

    TiaEcha, thank you and hope it inspired you to write a blog ;-)

    Dat Nguyen, loool good you liked it and hope one day you will understand me :-)

  • Wow! Interesting tips! I'm so glad you asked bloggers to proofread their writing. You're very brave to post this video. 1000+ views already...

  • Hi this is a great video that i have watched in EC up to now. hope see another one too

  • Verry good presentation using fluent english

    Thanks you for making and sharing it

  • very very well ,i learn l lot of knowledge

    I give you a big applause,too
  • Wilian,  you are welcome :-) thank you!

    Christy xu, that is great that I inspired you to start blogging!!! Seriously, after reading comments like yours I feel like my effort to record this blog wasn´t useless ;-) 

    Bia, looool thank you, lemme check my eyes :-D 

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