Let´s start blogging !!!

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I decided to post this blog, to record myself, to help some people here on MY EC to start blogging and tried to sum up some useful tips I concider important

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  • Oh, it is very useful for us to write some things on blog. Try to practice guys. Writing help us very much in english as well as in our work. Thank you luci.


  • Luci, Really nice video with motivated words.

  • Nice video!

  • Wow! Lucinka! It is COOOOOL!!!! ))))))))))))))))) I like your video! It is very useful! It was nice to see you! Maybe one day I will do the same!!! And please don't kill me because of getting it of from "EC video coffin" :P

  • Oh, Luci! You're the real Miss Czech Republic hi hi! I'm absolutely certain that you've made a lot of progress in terms of facing your fears about speaking and even in writing. You know what, you could be the next video moderator in case I resign here! :)

  • Bravo!

  • Luci, even I watched it long time ago.. dont know why just now I watched it again and commented :D :p
    Maybe just to wake it up as you said :p
  • Omggg this video is two years old!!! I wish I deleted it :D I will kill AG for commenting on it because it was peacefully sleeping in EC video coffin :D
    Risty..don't listen to it :D it is tragedyyy :D
  • hahahaha!! That's tooooo longggggggggg......I don't know if I can read ittttttt... (with matching head movements), second, don't use google transleeeystion ... (the accent is cute)...

    Well done Luci. Bad thing, I have someone here sleeping I can't read all the words, I wish there's a subtitle of this video (think I'm asking too much...:D)

    *Standing ovation*

  • Lutzıeh :D 

    you sound and act like a real newscaster.. How do you think this talent should be easy for others!! This courage is really impressive :) 

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