Lend - Borrow - Learn English with Simple English Videos

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We had a lot of fun making this one. Hope you like it too!You can see this video with a free clickable transcript at my video website: http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/language This video also has accompanying tea...

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  • Thank you so much, Madam Vicki. ^^

  • They work Onee-chan well done. So you could say either 'I will borrow $1,000' from the bank, or 'The bank will lend me $1,000'.

  • Thank you very much, teacher Vicki. Though I am still a bit confused how to use it, I've tried to make these sentences. 

    I will borrow an amount of money from the bank.

    The bank will lend me an amount of money.

    I think I know better now. Thank you so much for your help in English. May you have a happy life with your husband, forever and always. :)

  • Thank you for lending your time to share your expertise of the English language, Teacher Vicki! Your ideas in coming up with informative videos would inspire my fellow learners of MyEC. : )

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