Learning GRAMMAR from your favorite MOVIES - How to Learn English EASILY

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The sound effects by http://www.freesfx.co.uk http://www.englishclub.com/ Do you have any favorite movies? If I say that you can get a free grammar lesson wh...

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  • Can't agree my dear..

  • Thank you Tareq, your comment makes me smile...

  • your advices hhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • You are wonderful, a lot of people benefit from you`re advices .....

  • Hi Hassani

    Thanks for watching my video and you can check my new videos weekly here https://www.youtube.com/Jdapotter

    You should go to YouTube.com to search for some topics that you like then listen to it there. Here is a tip open the videos on YouTube and do you things like cooking or house work then listen to them. It is really help...  

  • I know Anar I'm a bit crazy ha ha. I watched until I remember all the conversation in them. That how crazy I was but It did help me a lot and my spoken English Improved fast... Thank you

  • Thanks for your sweet comment Gasim. It mean a lot to me thank you...

  • your video is nice and useful , there is good advice from you to other people like me , keep it up

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