Learning English with Games

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In this video we try to show how it is nice to learn English by playing games. This is a game in which students have to be in two groups. Each member of the group has the chance to find a word and describe it to his own group. So, who says the right answer, wins a point.I have seen how students feel more self confident as they play, because their classmates help them and they get to know new vocabulary, spelling, descriptions and so on. It's a really good experience in class! ;)

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  • My students are great, that's way it got so nice! ;)

    Thanks, everyone, for the comments!

  • Excellent video, thanks teacher Joyce!
  • Wow! nice way.


  • Thanks, Ohnie! :)
  • How fun!

    Nice to see your students participate in this video.

    They are really cute!

    Well done, Joyce.


  • The name of the game is Catch a Phrase. I love it! Well, it's this, but I don't know if there is one that we play online. Thanks, Tara!
  • Great video! Thanks so much for participating Joyce and class! Did you mention the name of the game? Maybe you could add the name and share a link to it if it is available online. Thanks again!
  • Yeah, and they really like it! :)
  • Excellent  method  introducing  the  students  to interact  rather  to  teacher  talk 


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