Learning English in Japan

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  • Thanks M. Glad to hear that teaching in Egypt is more communicative now.
    @Deuce Great tip. You should write a blog about how your pronunciation improved. Or record something!
  • Well...I'm very pleased to hear that I speak and write fluently from you dear teacher ( I'm still not satisfied completely) :)
    I think that reading helped me a lot. Reading original books helped me to broaden my vocabulary and reading aloud helped me with my pronunciation. And of course it's important to speak the language as often as possible ( because I also used to stammer when speaking and I still remember my first conversation with a native speaker ... I was very ashamed in fact :)) )
    I just want to advise all learners to devote some time to English every day, and they will improve.
  • And how did you improve? You speak and write English fluently now. What's your secret?
  • You know I had a problem when I entered the university : I couldn't speak English at all (though at school I studied English, I didn't talk during my classes. All my learning at school was nothing but cramming texts and reproducing them in the front of our class), I had to write sentences first and then read them out of a sheet of paper, I could't say it without reading, it was something terrible, I couldn't speak my mind if I was unprepared.
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